

august 4th 2023 - changed background and palette, removed the flickering of h1 elements because it was fucking annoying (now replaced with a less eye-searing glowing effect) - nuked "shrines"

july 30th 2023 - recovered a third old layout (september 2022)

july 5th 2023 - changed the index page

june 21st 2023 - new blog post

june 15th 2023 - new journal entry

june 14th 2023 - managed to grab another old layout to add in the museum - made files work, somewhat

june 13th 2023 - added a "museum" section to the archive page, where you can browse the old layouts of the site. (i managed to recover only 1 pretty old layout for now)

june 11th 2023 - overhauled the entire thing - the site's total weight is now 65mb ( down from 88mb! ) - the site is now responsive! - the site now works without javascript at all! (shrines, gifypet and some projects in the projects page are excluded)

march 12th 2023 - added an about me section - changed the landing page

march 5th 2023 - added stuff in journal, new blog post, new links in link list

october 23rd 2022 - removed a script that was causing a memory leak for firefox users - removed the rss feed

september 22nd 2022 - added projects