levant's cyberspace



money problems

i'm back with a whole lot of bitching, again.

so, i recently wrote a blog post moaning about how expensive powerlifting is, especially the SBD belt, which was priced at 220 euros.

but guess what? shortly after my blog post the price was raised to 260 euros! it's like our wallets have to do all the heavy lifting.

but hey, hold on a second, i managed to find a silver lining in the middle of this financial chaos and i stumbled upon a used SBD belt for a mere 130 euros, a whole 50% off!

talk about a steal! it might not be brand spanking new but who cares, those things last a lifetime.

gotta love a good deal, right? it's like finding a treasure in a pile of shit. at least i didn't have to sell my soul for this belt.

and speaking of spending, i also decided to treat myself with a new keyboard: the logitech G512. originally priced at 120 euros, i got it on sale for 85 euros. which is great, another sweet deal.

the problem is, all of these purchases added up, and now i'm left with an empty wallet. it's like i blinked and my cash disappeared into thin air.

i was looking forward to getting an earring, but now i have to put that on hold because, well, i am broke.

damn powerlifing, why you gotta be so expensive? it's kinda sad to see the price tags on gear skyrocketing, making it harder for enthusiasts and competitive athletes like me to keep up with the top notch equipment.

and damn me, why i gotta splurge every time i find myself having even the slightest bit of money? it's like i am an astronaut being sucked into a black hole called "spending frenzy". i mean, come on, self control! can't you make a cameo appearance when i need you the most?

but we've all been there, right? it's a temporary high, and the crash that follows is not pretty.

so here i am, staring at my empty pockets, but i am not regretting a thing. let's get real here, the SBD belt? an absolute steal for 130 euros, worth every cent. the level of stability and support it gives me is unmatched. money well spent here.

now about that keyboard... let's just say i could have used a little more self control. sure, the G512 is an amazing keyboard, but did i really, really need it? probably not. it was more of an indulgence, but sometimes splurging a little is a reminder that we deserve to treat ourselves once in a while.

but let's not go overboard with the spending, it's always wise to do responsible budgeting, because it can bring peace of mind and financial stability.

in the end, i may have spent a pretty penny on these purchases, but i guess they each serve a purpose, the belt elevates my performance and the keyboard adds a touch of luxury to my typing experience. damn i love mechanical keyboards.

so, here's to making intentional choices and enjoying the thing that bring us happiness, without an ounce of regret. cheers!